Restarting driving lessons and tests in England and Wales

The UK Government has confirmed in recent announcements that lockdown restrictions can be eased as planned in England and Wales.

This means driver, rider and vocational lessons and tests will restart in line with the indicative dates we previously shared with you.

Driving lessons will restart on 12 April and driving tests 10 days later on 22 April. Fleet training and testing will also restart on 12 April.

Test ready

We’ll email candidates with car practical tests booked from the 22 April to let them know their tests will go ahead.

If you have booked a test for any of your pupils during this period, please can you reassure them that their tests will go ahead as planned.

Restarting lessons ten days ahead of tests will give you the chance to provide your pupils with professional refresher training before they take their test. We know many of you wanted the opportunity to carry out lessons and training before we restart driving tests and we agree with this, so do the National Association of Strategic Partners (NASP).

Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay